Dear Friends,

The holiday season has arrived!  With the new year, changes are taking place in my practice.  Over the past several months as my energy work training has expanded, I have moved from strictly coaching into offering a combination of intuitive readings, energywork, mentoring, and coaching during my sessions.  My workshops are now offered as individual mentoring programs in which energywork and readings are incorporated to ensure client's best results.  And now those of you interested in intuitive readings can sign up directly through my website.

The majority of my new clients in the past few months are beginning intuitives ready to explore their gifts.  However, with a clearer perception of the world, adjustments must be made in our valuing our emotional health and in our relating effectively with others.  New at the publications page are essays on forgiveness, emotional health, and the effects of dealing with emotionally disconnected people.  Also included is the first of essays on the three main ways intuitives give up their power to outside approval.  I hope these are interesting and informative for you. 

Have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year!

Best Wishes – Elaine


Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and Boundaries

Some of my clients have struggled with rebalancing their relationships as they open more and more to their intuitive gifts.  Many changes in or relationships naturally occur as we become more conscious, and sometimes these relationships fall completely apart.  The behavior of family members and friends that was acceptable before now is unacceptable.  How do we establish new boundaries and forgive ourselves for breaking the old relationship rules? How do we forgive and accept our loved ones when they do not understand and are unsupportive? 

Is Forgiveness a Choice?>

Setting Boundaries>


Valuing our Emotions and Emotional Health

Most intuitives are highly empathic.  We understand the emotional needs of others, sometimes even feeling these emotions as our own.  Understanding the emotional body is essential for staying healthy both physically and psychically.  Understanding our own emotional responses heightens our intuitive gifts and strengthens our relationships.   When we understand how emotional energy flows within us, we can begin to accept all our emotional responses and the responses of others, including uncomfortable and painful emotions.

Because we are so empathic, it is common for us to be in relationships with emotionally dissociated people.  Our role in these relationships is to be a loving, supportive person.  Usually we take on the responsibility of processing emotional energy for them, just as the more organized person in a relationship can become the only one cleaning the house.  Constantly running someone else's energy through our own system can distract us from our own lives at best or make us ill at worst.  Identifying the emotionally dissociated people in our lives and understanding that they can drain us of our vitality can be very helpful in coming to peace with the changes in our relationships.

Emotions as Information and Energy>

Dealing with the Emotionally Disconnected>


Giving Up Outside Approval---Achievement Oriented

Giving up outside approval is essential for the beginning intuitive who wants to function from his inner guidance and unseen spiritual support.  Usually when we think of outside approval we think of the child needing the approval of parents or mentors in order to feel good enough about himself to venture out successfully in the world.  Such early programming can stick with us well into our biological adulthood.  Without knowing it our programming can become a persona or personality type.  The most common personas I've seen intuitives deal with are being achievement oriented, being special and unique, and being giving and helpful.  Some of us (including me,) have struggled with all three.  In this issue learn how being achievement oriented can disconnect us completely from our intuition.

Read more here >



Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and Boundaries

Welcoming Our Emotions

Giving Up Outside Approval




Access Your

Attract Your Ideal Mate

Manifesting Your Heart's Desire

Artist Way, Vein of Gold,






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© Elaine La Joie, Clear Reflection Coaching, 2004
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