Dear Friends,

Happy New Year!  Welcome to 2009.  The world is going through an amazing transition right now---we can all feel change in the air.  Even though the atmosphere can feel fearful and bleak, remember that with all transitions there is a period of contraction before expansion begins again. From the shaman's perspective, something must die to make room for what is about to be born.  Collectively we are going through a birthing process.  As individuals I am sure many of you are also going through transitions.  This is the perfect time to embrace those big dreams and take those baby steps to put them into action, despite doubts and fears.  As they say in Improv classes, Go When Most Afraid!

My practice as well is under-going a change.  I am moving away from long-term coaching work to shamanic energywork, intuitive readings, and teleconferences.  I am very excited to offer this year two classes, one by teleconference and one in person, for the Empath, beginning Shaman, and the Soul that is ready to embrace his personal work.

Much Love – Elaine


Elaine's New Practice

I have been honored to work with my ongoing coaching clients for the past seven years since I first started my practice.  Most of my clients have worked with me for a year or more.  While this has been a wonderfully rewarding experience for me, it has limited the people that I can see---my waiting list was more than a year long before I took my sabbatical.  As I move away from on-going work, I will still offer readings and soul retrieval work, but for new clients our relationship will be a few months long instead of 6 months to a year.  If you have not worked with me before and would like to, please sign up for an intuitive reading, which also serves as a get-aquainted session.  During that session we will determine if energywork is a good fit and proceed from there.  If you are a returning client and already know you are in need of a soul retrieval or a reading, don't hesitate to email me, and I should be able to see you within a few weeks instead of months.

Email Elaine >


The Healing Journey for the Empath Conference Call

Most people find my website because they have read the essay entitled The Emotionally Dissociated Hero.  Although the essay was about Heroes, the focus is on the Empath in relationships.  Beginning in February I will offer a teleconference call for those of you interested in learning more about your Empathic gifts, how to heal your relationships, and how to move forward into your soul's calling. The topic of each call will be based on a chapter of my new book, the Healing Journey of the Empath, which is based on my journey and my clients journeys.  I am very excited to offer this!  This is a chance to learn more about the healing process in general and Empathy and its gifts and challenges in an environment of a small group.  Participants may ask questions or not as they prefer during calls.  These calls will be available for audio download for a small fee if you cannot make the actual call.  The first call begins Feb. 6th at noon pacific time.

Read here for more details>


Creative Manifestation, Shaman Style

I am very excited to offer my first in person class!  Beginning in February I will teach a manifestation class called Shamanic Dreaming.  I am sure you have heard of Creative Manifestation, or have watched or read the Secret.  You've probably manifested wonderful things and dreams for yourself.  And you've probably been thwarted in your manifesting, too.  In this class we'll explore the basics of manifesting, the different planes from which we can operate, and how these work together.  We'll also talk about the common reasons we can get blocked when we create.  This class is both a dreaming class and a manifestation class, so you will learn and use your new shaman skills during class.  I also intend this class to be ongoing, because once we learn these skills and join in a group, it becomes a lot more fun to create!  Let me know if you live in Portland and would like to join in. The first class begins on February 5th at 7pm.

For more details, read here >





Elaine's New Practice

The Empath Conference Call

The Shamnic Dreaming Class




About Coaching

Intuitive Readings

Energy Healings


Spirtual Crisis Support

Links and Resources





Conscious Dreaming by Alberto Villoldo

The Reluctant Shaman by Kay Whittaker

FeedingYour Demons by Tsultrim Allione

© Elaine La Joie, Clear Reflection Coaching, 2008
tel: 503.372.8544    