Dear Friends,

It's June!  I hope this month brings you summertime fun.  Although I am taking most of June as vacation time, I wanted to share with you what's happening within my practice.  The biggest change is a shift from the majority of my practice filled with individual coaching sessions to intuitive readings.  I will still offer coaching services, but on a very limited basis to those clients wanting mentoring in the intuitive arts or on relationship issues.  Also, new at the website is a reference and resource page, for those of you who are looking for good books to read on creativity, relationships, spirituality, shamanism, and creative manifestation.


Love – Elaine

Surrendering Control and Commitment to Self

My clients from my creative manifestation classes most frequenty ask me, "How do I know I'm surrendering control?"  When I struggle with this question I ask myself another that seems unrelated, but for me is really the same question. And that is, “How willing am I to be myself no matter what?” and, “Am I willing to be myself if it means I never get my heart's desire?” When I am committed to being myself I live from a soulful place that is naturally uncontrolling and faithful. It's the only place of real security, and the only place of true power. I become unwilling to compromise myself or pretend that I am different than who I truly am. I take my power back from others and leave them free to respond in any way they need. When we are willing to be ourselves, we immediately become attractive to what exactly matches us, and lo and behold, we usually get what we want.

Read more here >


The Ideal Mate Relationship Mirror

Many of my clients expect that when they attract their ideal mate, they will also have a smooth time in relationship, because the mate is their Ideal.  But, what I see happen more often is that once the initial bliss has passed, the couple jump (usually unconsciously) straight into deep healing work, called by most relationship experts the power struggle phase of relationship.  And, unfortunately many of us can become stuck here.  What's going on, and how do we stay conscious during this fragile time in the relationship?  First, it's important to realize that when we intentionally create a conscious relationship, which all my workshop participants do, we are inviting all things unconscious and destructive to arise into consciousness so we can make them constructive.  And, anything that prevents us from having a good relationship at all will surface first.


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Surrendering Control :  Life Comes as It Comes

Most of us who have worked with creative manifestation principles are familiar with the admonition to Surrender Control.  We've been taught that this is a necessary last step in order to create what we want, and yet this is the hardest step in the creation process for my clients.  We have a much easier time with the  beginning steps of focus, imagining, removing blocks, and taking inspired actions.  Is there a secret to surrendering control?

First, remember that all of us have a controlling nature.  It's part of being human and has been essential for the survival of the species.  We are either trying to get what we want, or we are trying to protect ourselves from outcomes we don't like.  Surrendering control feels frightening because we no longer take action to get what we want. It can feel like we're leaving our fate to fate.  In fact, we are going against our natural instincts, so it is completely normal to have trouble with the surrender aspect of manifestation.


Read more here >


Surrendering Control ?

The Ideal Mate Relationship

More on Surrendering Control




Tuesdays, beginning in mid July
Attract Your Ideal Mate Workshop

Mondays, beinning in mid July
Accessing Your
Intuition TeleClass

Wednesdays, beginning mid July

The Artist's Way Workshop




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© Elaine La Joie, Clear Reflection Coaching, 2004
tel: 503.372.8544     toll free: 866.301.7354