Is it true that if I don’t feel good I can’t create what I want?

In my Heart’s Desire class and Attract Your Ideal Mate class I’ve had many questions around the importance of feeling good and raising energy in order to create what we really want. The typical teaching goes: Happy energy is good, Unhappy energy is bad. Usually clients feel like they are doomed because they don’t feel good much of the time.

In my own life I’ve created wonderful things that I truly desired when I was feeling awful. For a certainty it is much easier to create when we are feeling good. But, if we happen to be feeling bad (angry, sad, doubtful, guilty, exhausted, etc.)that’s just the way it is in that moment, and there is nothing wrong with that.

What’s more important here than trying to feel good so we can be in the right “space” to create what we want is to authentically experience whatever we are feeling in the moment. There is no need to be afraid of an authentic experience! By acknowledging our feelings and feeling them in the moment they will pass. In many instances just the acknowledgement of what we are feeling will help us locate the subconscious belief that could be generating the negative feelings.

It’s important to remember that all feelings are temporary. It’s a relief to know that the bad emotions are temporary as long as we don’t repress them. But, it is also true that the good emotions are temporary, too. I’d suggest letting them all flow by not pushing away the bad ones or trying to hang onto the good ones. By allowing our emotional state to be whatever it happens to be at the moment, we can make sure we are spending our energy taking loving actions from intuitive guidance and focussing on heart’s desires, which is what is at the heart of the conscious creation process.


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