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© Elaine La Joie 2003
design by Jenna Avery


Relationship Essays

Relationship Mirror ---Commitment-phobe vs. Over-dependent---How we can heal old wounds and become aware of our patterns with the help of our partner, with the example of dependency and fear of commitment.

Intuitive and Introverted Withdrawal Pattern---What we can do to save our self suffering when we feel that tendency to withdraw from our relationships.

Conflicts between Spiritual Seekers----What to do when we find ourselves in conflict with others who are committed to their personal and soul growth

Removing Family Energy and Group Consciousness----The awakening intuitive needs to free himself from old family patterns and role playing.

Is Forgiveness a Choice?---We must make sure we take responsibility for our emotional health before we forgive others

Forgiveness, Reconcilation, and Boundaries---What to do when we havetrouble forgiving others, and how to follow anger to discover unhealthy boundaries and beliefs

Rebalancing Relationships---As we open to our intuitive gifts and strengthen our energetic boundaries, we must renegotiate our relationships. 













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