One of the most fascinating
aspects of shamanic work is working with clients in the grip of
a mythic archetype. These archetypal forces can literally
define and run our lives. Sometimes these archetypal stories
lead us into unsavory experiences. As a shaman, I can help
bring consciousness to the mythic story my client is living out,
and also rebalance the archetype so the client can experience the
story of their own choosing in life.
example of this was with a client who started experiencing suicidal
thoughts soon after he retired from a job that was literally killing
him. While on the job he had developed cirrhosis of the liver,
even though he wasn't a heavy drinker. He had also worked
the grave yard shift. He knew that quitting this job
was the right thing to do. He even had the opportunity to
explore shamanic and other healing work, since his spouse made enough
money so that he had the freedom to go back to school.
his enthusiasm for a new, more relaxed, career fizzled, and then
thoughts of suicide and the sureness of his impending death set
in. When I had first met this client in a group setting, it
was very clear that he had several past lives in Asia, especially
Japan. The samurai warrior archetype was very strong.
He even had a fascination for samurai swords.
He and
his wife came in together for a session---his wife was very worried
about his talk of his death. When I journeyed to his underworld,
I found a past life in which he had been a samurai warrior who had
retired (or hadn't died in service) The politics had changed,
and he was required to commit ritual suicide. As he died,
his bitterness at having not died early became locked in to his
underworld. The contracts that had been set in were around
growing old being equated with losing power, and with retiring from
service being equated with helplessness and death.
The old warrior
I spoke to was determined that my client would never feel such helplessness
and purposelessness again, and did not want me to change my client's
contract around. It took negotiating, and the insistence of
the Light Beings to move the Warrior. Eventually the warrior
even let me work on his traumas and received a healing.
We did a special
death rites to bring this past life into closure, so this archetypal
story would no longer run my client's present life. However,
my client was reluctant to do so---he was that identified with the
warrior archetype. When he was reassured that he would keep
all the gifts from that life time, and he would only be letting
go of what was no longer helping him in his soul's growth,
he agreed to the death rite. Without my client's willingness
and cooperation, he would have kept the damaged Warrior Archetype,
even with the energywork.
he also had to do the work to make sure he was no longer identifying
with his old story. He built an altar to symbolize his new
and healthier warrior archetype, one that would act to protect his
interests and his family's, instead of sabotage his life.
a month later, when this couple came to see me next, the thoughts
of death and suicide were gone, and what was more surprising was
that his blood tests showed that his liver was back to normal.
He is now pursuing his heart's desires with his Warrior Archetype
working for him rather than against him.