
Intuitive Readings


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© Elaine La Joie 2003
design by Jenna Avery


Getting Started

Working one on one with Elaine

If you are interested in working with me, please read all the information under intuitive readings and energywork. If you like my style, then sign up for an Intuitive Reading.  During the reading you will have a chance to ask questions, and I will have a chance to tune in and see if you need energywork to move you along toward what you would like to create in life.  If so, then we will do two sessions of energywork together over 1-2 months.  After that time, returning clients are welcome to schedule stand alone energywork sessions.

Intuitive Readings

The Intuitive Reading is a great way to get feedback on where you are at in your life, especially if you are in transition or have a question about a relationship.  I do three readings for you: a journey, cold reading of photos, and tarot.  You may also ask questions during the call, too.  For most people, they start work with me with a reading.  In that way the Intuitive Reading serves the purpose of the get-to-know-each-other session.  From there we will decide together if more shamanic energywork is a good fit.

Energywork Sessions

Shamanic energywork sessions are wonderful for those clients who have heavy duty blocks or fears that they have been unable to move in any other way.  I ask that clients read everything under Energy Healings to determine whether they are a good match for the work I do, and to acquaint themselves with the process.  All new clients must sign up for 2 sessions of energywork.  During the session we will most likely do Illuminations and Soul Retrieval work.  Returning clients sometimes have Destiny Retrieval.  Clients are expected to follow up with homework on their own to ensure the energywork will filter down to the emotional and physical bodies. 

The workshop relationship

I offer workshops on Intuition, Creativity, and Manifestation Principles.  These workshops take place over the phone on a bridgline.  Although these are coaching workshops, there is some teaching involved.  Most workshops begin with a short centering exercise, then each participant shares their experiences with the requests and inquiries from the previous week.  After the each person has their chance to share, I do the teaching for the week, and assign homework assignments.  Usually each class is followed up with summary email.

The coaching group

The coaching group is designed for those people who would like to experience coaching, but cannot afford the regular fee.  A small group meets once per week on the bridge line.  Participants share and acknowledge others within the group, while maintaining the emotional safety of the group.  The group may decide on a particular focus for the week.  If you are interested in forming a small group of your own, I am happy to facilitate.

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