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© Elaine La Joie 2003
design by Jenna Avery


More Generational Imprint Stories

One of the most rewarding energywork sessions I did was with a young teenager.  This boy was very sensitive and psychic, and had been plagued with feeling uncomfortable in his room, and uncomfortable on the stairs in his home.  When I first met him to talk to him about his intuitive abilities, I noticed that he needed a fluid extraction---that he had an entity connected into him through one of his chakras.  I also had the sense that this entity felt entitled to hang off of him, that somehow the boy and the entity had made a deal of some kind.

During our session together, I journeyed to the underworld to see what the original contract that bound them was.  The story I was shown was of a father being executed for some foolish crime, and his son looking on.  The son felt abandoned in the world, and the father was so guilt ridden, that he made an unintentional contract to always in the future be available for his son.  Unfortunately what had happened was that in this lifetime the father was my teenage client, and the entity was the little boy who hadn't bothered to reincarnate into a body, but was lost in limbo.

During the journey I performed an underworld extraction, breaking the original contract between the two of them.  I assured the father that his son would be taken care of, and that in the current lifetime the original contract was causing both of them problems.  I also reassured the son that he would be taken care of and healed. 

After I returned from the underworld, I performed a fluid extraction to remove the entity from my teenage client.  Whereas before this entity seemed uncooperative and nasty, intentionally scaring my client, it was now quite docile and easy to remove.  At the fire ceremony where I released the entity to the four directions, and to the spirit helpers that guide us in crossing over, I saw the little boy move off with two angels, but before he left, he turned around and waved at me, thanking me for his release.

My teenage client felt immediately better, had no problems sleeping, and now could navigate down the stairs of his home without getting shivers up his spine.

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