Welcome 2012, Year of the Dragon!

Happy New Year, Everyone!

As most of you are already aware, winter solstice (in the northern hemisphere) 2012 marks the end of a long cycle of ever increasing expansion and transformation in consciousness.  I’m sure most of you in the past few years have experienced your life changing at an uncomfortable pace.  This is the perfect time to work on old patterns that have been holding us back–the opportunity is here for incredible personal work that can change our lives for the better, and that in turn will affect the collective as well.

I also am feeling the need to address my own tendency to resist changes that I know need to be made.  I’ve been working on a collection of essays now for the past 4 years or so that I intended to compile into a book so that more people would have access to my experiences with clients, especially Empaths and those called to the shamanic path.  At first I thought I would be able to both see clients and concentrate on writing.  However, for more than two years now I’ve known deep down that in order to write consistently I needed to let myself be a hermit and step away from one-on-one work.   Two and a half years ago I became very ill, and my allies made it clear I needed to stop working and focus on writing.  I even declared to my colleague, Vanessa Wolf, right before a shamanic training six month later, that this was my intention. 

Well, that was 2009, and it’s 2012!  My goodness, what happened?  I get such a reward from working with clients one-on-one.  Coaching combined with Shamanic work is incredibly powerful and moves people into their own power very quickly.  But, I think I became a bit addicted to working in this way.  My husband pointed out to me that I hadn’t taken significant time off except when I was ill since my son was born.  (He’s five years old)  I didn’t believe him because I had scheduled sabbaticals and thought I had taken them.  But, when I went back and looked through my old appointment books I saw that he was right!  It was a very strange wake up call.

Working directly with clients is very rewarding, but it is draining as well.  By not taking sufficient time off I wasn’t taking care myself.  Plus, on top of this, I think I’m actually a bit apprehensive about declaring myself a writer and arranging my working life around writing.  There’s a wonderful saying in Improv training–Go When Most Afraid!  So, here I am, finally ready to commit and just go.

So, my focus for the next two and a half years will be to write and publish those essays plus mythic fictional stories about the souls journey.  I intend to publish here on my website first and then on amazon soon after.  I welcome questions, suggestions, and comments on what you would like to read about.  I am always surprised by how much knowledge I’ve integrated in the past ten years that is not commonly known to most Empaths.  Your questions help draw that knowledge out.

While I’m away from my practice, for those of you who are drawn to shamanic energywork, please contact Vanessa Wolf or Hilda Porro.  If you are in Germany contact Irina Dittert.  These are amazing shaman.  You will be in good hands with them.  If you are looking for good mentoring and training, visit the Four Winds Society, Kimmapii Spirit Energies, and Sacred Pathways.

May your 2012 be highly transformative and joyous!

much love,


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