Empath as Archetype Collected Volumes Now Available

Hello Everyone,

My Empath as Archetype series is now available as a collected edition.  You can still buy all the books singly, but if you were waiting for the all the books to be available in one volume (and at a lower overall price) it’s here!  If you have already bought all my books, you do not need this one.  Here is the link: Emapath as Archetype

If you have read my books, and they had a positive effect on your life, please consider writing a review for me.  It really helps!

thanks so much everyone!  New books are coming!

much love,



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The Empath and Emotional Responsibility; Taking Right Action

Hello Everyone,

As I’ve spoken about in my book on the Archetypal Drama Triangle, Empaths can get into trouble when we blame our emotional state on someone else.  We can use our unhappy emotional state as the justification for bullying or attacking another person.  While this can seem justified it is never a creative action, and it always serves to spread the negativity in a wider circle.

I had this experience myself over the past week.  For the first time I received negative reviews on my books I have published through Amazon, first in the UK and then in the US.  In one case, the reader decided to start with Volume Four on Shadow Work, and of course couldn’t understand the book since important concepts necessary to understanding Shadow Work were introduced in the first three books.  Instead of taking responsibility for a poor choice, the reader blamed me and gave my book a bad review.  Similarly another reader bought all five books but for whatever reason read the last book first, became depressed, and then gave all the books a bad review while admitting to not reading them.

Unfortunately this sort of behavior is typical for those of us as yet unwilling to take responsibility for our emotional state.  In both cases these readers not only blamed me for their unhappiness but attacked me for it.  If only they had read the first book! 🙂

More interestingly for me was watching myself deal with my first negative reviews.  I of course felt unhappy, angry, misrepresented, and attacked, and as an Empath I felt this keenly.  The important point for me, though, was to not turn my emotional state on these reviewers, on myself or on the people around me.  I could have handled my emotional state irresponsibly by being short with my family members, by telling myself I should give up my work, or by attacking the reviewers.  Empaths tend to want to withdraw when dealt criticism, especially unfair criticism.  I had to face that feeling, remind myself that my writing has helped far more people than I even know, and then I needed to share my experience with people that I trusted.  After doing so, the feelings passed and I was able to let that situation go with the inspiration for a Right Action.  I decided to move forward with putting all my books into one large volume instead of waiting to do so until the next two books are complete.  In this way no one could be confused as to what to read first.  (I hope to have this volume published some time in May)

Anyone who puts their work out there is bound to be attacked in this fashion, especially from people who do not take the risk to put their creativity out in the world.  Theodore Roosevelt ignored these attacks from people who were not “in the Arena.”  On an objective, logical level I know these reviews are not important, I know they show the state of the reviewer and not my work, and I know that in a few days I’ll forget about it.  However, for Empaths this type of attack is much harder to shrug off than for the non-Empath.  We need to give ourselves a break for our emotional state and but not pass our crankiness on like these reviewers did.  We need to go to our support system and ask for support.  I also pampered myself, did a sandpainting, had a salt bath, and vented to trusted family and friends.  I did this over the past few days and felt restored, validated (Empaths love validation) and ready to move forward again. 

I write this post to make two important points.  If a feeling arises that is uncomfortable, try to examine it before acting on it.  If it is obvious that it is the other person’s issue, like the response from these reviewers, do what it takes to take care of yourself so that you can shrug off the negativity without hurting yourself or the people around you.  See if there’s a Right Action to take, like my deciding to put all my writing into one volume, that will make the experience into a positive, life affirming one.  Then slather thanks and gratitude on your support system. 

Secondly, what would have happened if the reviewer who became depressed by reading my family system book had taken responsibility for his emotions?  Instead of disliking and attacking me personally, the responsible action is to look at what is the true source of the depression, sadness, and ensuing anger, which has to come from something within that reviewer.  Stop before shooting the messenger and look instead for the wound that needs healing.  These actions are the heart of Shadow Work.  This is what makes Shadow Work difficult and confusing.  It seems like the other person is to blame, but it is really an opportunity always to look within.  

As a final request, if my books have helped you on your own journey, please consider writing a favorable review.  I would appreciate the love and support.  Thank you.

much love,



Posted in Creativity, Drama Triangle, Emotions, Manifestation, Relationships, Removing Obstacles, Soul Path/Purpose | 5 Comments

Working Those Imprints! Manifesting What We Want rather than Our Fate

I had several questions from clients this week on why working an imprint is so hard.  An imprint is a belief system that has become so ingrained that it manifests outcomes for us unconsciously rather than consciously.  People come to me to unravel imprints because the outcomes are painful and unwanted.  However, it is possible to unconsciously manifest great outcomes.  The key to remember is that all imprints come with a belief system attached.  If we have faulty beliefs, we will wind up with unhappy outcomes.

When we have an unhappy pattern in our lives, an imprint with its faulty beliefs is at work.  This imprint can come from cultural beliefs, archetypal beliefs, family beliefs and personal beliefs.  Personal beliefs are the easiest to change, and many times we can change our personal beliefs without outside help.  Clients come to me for underworld work usually because of hidden cultural, archetypal, and family beliefs.  These hidden group beliefs tend to run our creations without our ever knowing we have these beliefs.  The shaman can go into the subconscious mind (the underworld) on behalf of the client and begin dismantling the imprint and its corresponding belief system.

However, even with shamanic intervention, it is up to the client to make sure that his words and actions reinforce his new belief system.  If that does not take place, we will still manifest unhappy outcomes because of old habit.  It is this conscious work that so many people slip up on.  Too many clients expect the shamanic work to magically take away unwanted outcomes.  However, the client creates her life, so it is always the client who has to make sure that the change on the energetic and mythic planes comes down to the mental, emotional, and physical planes as well.

Our relationships with our family will change, as well as how we belong within our culture.   Most of the time other people in the group are enslaved by the same imprint and so do not appreciate our new behavior.  They want us back in our role and they will feel betrayed and confused that we are no longer playing.  As you can see, this is deep, hard work.  Change on this level is difficult and challenging.  Too many of my clients expect easy, graceful, magical change without these repercussions.  While that can happen in some instances, working at this level take tremendous courage and practice.  I say this not to be discouraging but to encourage my clients who are in the thick of dismantling sticky family and cultural imprints not to give up, to keep plugging through.  It is worth the effort to create a great foundation of supportive imprints and beliefs.  Then life does become easier and more magical.

We begin throwing off our predetermined fate and more options and outcomes become probable for us.  This is the heart of personal work.  I hope this helps to answer why this work can feel so hard and confusing. 

much love,


Posted in Client Success Stories, Destiny Retrieval, Emotions, Energy Healing, Generational Imprints, Life Transition, Manifestation, Myth and Archetype, Removing Obstacles, Soul Path/Purpose, Soul Retrieval | 2 Comments

Archetype Workshop coming to Portland on March 1st

Hello Everyone,

I’m happy to announce that my former teachers from Alberta will be in Portland on March 1st to present a workshop on Archetypes and how to work directly with them.  Please visit the link below for more information.  This is a great opportunity to learn more about archetypes whether you are a beginner to shamanic work or already a practicing shaman.


much love,


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The Empath and the Narcissist

Lately I have had questions from readers about how to deal with a narcissist.  Empaths are confused by this relationship because the narcissist tends to mimic an Empath, and before the Empath knows it, the Empath is ensnared in a relationship she thought was real and equal and now cannot find a way out.  What has happened, and why is this relationship so draining?

It’s important to realize that all people when their wounds are triggered have a tendency to become narcissistic.  We focus on our pain and our emotions, becoming self-absorbed and less aware of the effect our actions and words have on the people around us.  What this means is that Empaths can be narcissists, too.   However, once we get out of a Victim stance and we start taking responsibility for our emotional state, we tend to behave narcissistically less often.  We have grown ourselves out of the trap of the narcissist.  What is this trap?

From what I have seen in my practice and my personal experience, the narcissist has a core wound that makes him or her feel unlovable and worthless.  However, this wound and the belief is buried so deep that it is completely unconscious.  To compensate and to not feel this pain, they over-achieve, they become know-it-alls, and/or they build up a facade that allows them to feel good about themselves.  Feeling good is all they can allow or else they will access that deep pain.  Many narcissists will sacrifice just about anything and anybody to avoid facing such pain.  Such a person is unlikely to be able to do his work in order to heal because they are avoiding that core pain.

I have written an article (See The Emotionally Dissociated Hero) on one type of narcissist that the Empath tends to find fascinating.  I have also written a book on the type of family that tends to support and collude with the narcissist called the Fan-Hero Family System.  The book goes in depth into how this type of narcissist tends to function, and I recommend it for any Empath who is trying to recover from a relationship with such a person.  However, the most important point for the Empath to understand so that they can avoid this relationship is the Empath’s own tendency to need to be the special, bonded one in another person’s life.

The narcissist uses this need to manipulate the Empath.  The Emotionally Dissociated Hero uses his or her intuition to find a person to take on a support role in the Hero’s life and to keep them happy in that role until that person is invested in the relationship.  Empaths, as you can already imagine, are great support people.  We will listen to the Hero’s story, we will help the Hero with his projects, and if we haven’t healed our dependency issues, we will do this in exchange for having material support or for having a sense of purpose and belonging in the world.  The blind spot for Empaths to watch out for is our unconscious belief that going deep and seeing the inner world of another is the best way to bond.  It is unhealthy to bond to an unhealthy person!

The Hero unconsciously knows about the Empath’s need to bond.  The Hero knows what to say and how to behave, but all of it is just an act.  The Hero draws the Empath in, the Empath thinks she is having a great relationship, and then the confusion begins.  What has happened?  Why does this relationship that seemed so real at first now feel so weird and draining?

Heroes are usually charming, attractive people, they know how to make the Empath feel special, but they are shut off from their Hearts in order not to feel that worthlessness.  The Hero is also a liar.  He lies to himself, he believes his own lies, and then he tells those lies to the people around him without knowing he is lying.  The Empath starts thinking that she is the crazy one, when it is the Hero who is actually ill.  The Hero is so focused on his outer image that he is willing to sacrifice reality (and the Empath).  Unfortunately, the Hero has usually gathered enough people around him that are willing to go along with the facade.  These people, unlike the Empath, do not get past the outer shell of the Hero and fall for the facade.  Or worse, these people catch glimpses of the unhealthy inner core, but do not call the Hero on his behavior.  Theses people would rather live by appearances as well.

As you can imagine, this living-by-appearances is crazy-making for the average Empath.  She begins to doubt herself; the Empath can get stuck in a mental loop of analysis of the situation and the relationship without making the realization that the Hero is happiest living a lie and wants it that way.  However, eventually the relationship disintegrates when the Empath either becomes so drained the Hero has to find another support person, or the Empath leaves the relationship out of desperation for her sanity.  For many Empaths it can feel like an act of survival to leave this relationship while everyone else involved thinks the Empath is the crazy, over-reactive one.  Most Empaths who have been through this scenario have been in the relationship for years.  It also takes them years to recover.

In the Fan-Hero Family System book I talk about an Empath and her husband who escaped from a group who both knowingly and unknowingly supported the unhealthy Heroes in the Family.  This type of dynamic requires scapegoating–which means we set someone else up to take the blame and we project our unwanted feelings on to them.  Of course, it is the Empath that usually becomes the scapegoat.  Scapegoating is a terrible form of group lying and of avoiding reality.  Most of the time it is done unconsciously, but even so, it is always incredibly painful for the scapegoat.

Empaths who have lived through this and want to heal must remember that they have been badly abused and injured in the worst sort of way.  The person they have bonded to has violated her trust.  Understanding the hidden dynamic can be helpful, which is the main reason I wrote the Fan-Hero Family System book.  However, once the understanding is there, the real challenge for Empaths is to let go of the wound and not give it another thought, another feeling, or any more energy.  The narcissist involved is a sick person.  The people that support him are either knowingly or unknowingly supporting a lie.  Empaths who want to live happy, full lives must embrace reality.  Narcissists simply cannot.  The best way to heal is to understand that the narcissist probably won’t be able to heal because he must first realize he is wounded.  He cannot take responsibility for himself.  Empaths must accept this is the case.  This situation is unfixable!

The only sane action the Empath can take is to take responsibilty for her state.  She can realize that she has these core beliefs about being special and about being emotionally bonded, and she can start observing how these beliefs drive her.  Then she can be more choosy in her relationships.  And she can be on the look out for people who avoid reality and avoid them herself.

Let me know if you have questions or comments!

much love,



Posted in Boundaries, Drama Triangle, Emotional Dissociation, Emotions, Empathy, Narcissist, Relationships | 176 Comments

Elaine’s First Mythic Fiction Book Now On Sale

Hello Everyone,

I’m very excited to announce that my first work of fiction is up for sale on Amazon in paperback and Kindle, and on my website in pdf form.  This short story is written for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People.  The Girl and Her Being is the first in a series of mythic stories for Empaths that I am calling the Empath on Journey Series.  This short story is a story about how the Empath can fall in love, be in relationship to her intuitive guidance, and how that guidance is necessary in navigating romantic relationships and friendships.  Future stories will also delve into what it is like to do shamanic work    While I have had great feedback on my non-fiction books, I wanted to put companion books out there that were a little lighter.  I hope you enjoy! 

You can find the book on Amazon here

much love,


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Boundaries–the Guilt Set Up

Hi Everyone,

Lately I’ve been talking to other Empaths about how we are set up to tolerate behavior that is directly hurtful to us.  In these relationships the Empath usually feels taken advantage of and obligated to stay in a friendship that does nothing for the Empath but the other person in the relationship expects the Empath’s support and time and connection.  How do we create such situations, and how can we extricate ourselves?

In my latest book, the Empath and Shadow Work, I give an example of such a situation.  The Empath gets projected upon as a nurturing mother figure such that the other person in the relationship expects the Empath to take care of his emotional needs, but cannot see that his expectations are unreasonable.  While the example in the book is extreme, I find that this scenario happens quite often in Empath friendships.  In this case the Empath saw her friend’s Shadow very clearly, but the friend was triggered and trapped in his pattern that was predictably going to lead to a relationship failure.  He couldn’t understand when the Empath refused to play her role in his Drama and walked away from a years long friendship.

If we are the one who is projected upon, we will feel obligated to play out our expected role.  If we don’t understand the set up, we can feel tremendous guilt for wanting to leave the relationship and anger for feeling obligated to stick around in a draining situation.  We need to be careful to step away the Drama Triangle because it always leads to an unhappy outcome.  However, not playing will also likely lead to an uncomfortable outcome as well as the other person feels abandoned, neglected, and even betrayed, and will likely attack us for that.

Their inability to understand is NOT our problem!!!  Even if we explain to the other person that they need to go do their Shadow Work, they may not believe it or be willing to listen.   Empaths can still feel obligated to stick around for the blinded person even after we have explained our side.  Don’t stick around out of obligation.  That person needs to go do their personal work by first asking himself how this person that he has so trusted could decide to distance himself from the relationship.  He can exercise his choice to become conscious or not, to do his work or not.  We do not need to tolerate hurtful or draining or abusive behavior from anyone, including old friends and even family.  We do not need to help someone indulge in their fantasy of how friendship should be.

While this assertion may seem harsh to many Empaths, it is essential to be able to exercise our right to be free of relationships that cause us harm, that are not reciprocal in deepness or understanding, and that irritate us much of the time.  People with good boundaries do not feel guilty for having good boundaries.  Remember that feeling guilty over leaving this kind of relationship is a set up that keeps us tied in to the other person energetically and leaves us open to psychic attacks.  We are not responsible for working on a relationship to the other person’s satisfaction.  We get to decide what is good for us and what is too much for us.

If you see yourself as the one that has been inexplicably abandoned in the relationship, it is important to take the painful look at your own behavior, including if you have a pattern of relationship failures in which the other person walks away without enough of an explanation.  If the pattern is there, your Shadow is in play and you have Shadow Work to do.  The first step to healing is admitting that you have a blindspot and are creating a hurtful situation for yourself and the other person unintentionally.  Then the deep and uncomfortable work can begin.  If the work happens, there’s a strong possibility that the original relationship can be salvaged as well.

Here’s to being guilt free about setting good boundaries!


Posted in Boundaries, Drama Triangle, Emotions, Empathy, Energetic Contracts, Manifestation, Relationships | 5 Comments

Now Available: Fourth and Fifth Volumes of Empath as Archetype

Hello Everyone,

I’m very pleased to announce that my fourth and fifth volumes in my series, Empath as Archetype are now available on Amazon both in Kindle editions and softcovers.  The fourth book, The Empath and Shadow Work, describes the shamanic concept of Shadow, and how when we do not do our Shadow Work, we tend to create the opposite of our Heart’s Desires.  This book is a revised version of the Pedestal Book that was for sale on my website.  It also includes a new case study.  If you’ve already bought the book through my website, you most likely do not need this version.



The fifth book, The Empath and the Fan-Hero Family System, describes the Shadow of a common family structure in which Empaths tend to interact.  It also describes successful navigation away from this family system.  This book is a revised and expanded version of the Hero-Fan Family System ebook that was for sale on my website.   Once again, if you have already bought this book through my website, you probably do not need another copy unless you would like the extra essay and the softcover.


Ive’ had requests for essays for Empaths on romantic relationships and partnerships, so that will be next!  Thanks again everyone for your feedback and support of my work.

much love,


Posted in Creativity, Manifestation, Relationships, Removing Obstacles | 2 Comments

Fan-Hero Family Book now Available on Amazon

Hello Everyone,

I’m pleased to announce that my latest book, The Empath and the Fan-Hero Family System, is now available on Amazon as a Kindle book and in softcover.  For those of you that have already purchased the Her0-Fan Family System book on my website, this book has been revised and expanded to include an extra essay, however most of the content is the same.  If you haven’t read this book yet, please wait to purchase until I have completed The Empath and Shadow Work, which should be completed in the next few weeks or so.  Thank you all so much for your interest in my work!


much love,


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New Softcover and Kindle Book coming soon!

Hi Everyone,

It’s been a while since I’ve last posted on my blog–since last fall after publishing my three small books to Amazon, my family had an opportunity to move.  We decided to go for it, and as a consequence, all my time and energy has gone toward that.  Finally after a good eight months, I am getting back to a more regular routine.  Many of you have asked me when the last two books on my website will be published to Amazon, since I had planned to release them at the end of 2012.  I’m happy to say that I am almost there.  The Hero-Fan family system book will be ready to go by the end of the month, and the Empath and Shadow Work/Pedestal book should be ready by the end of the summer.  If you have already bought these through my website, the content of the softcover and kindle books is mainly the same, with a few additions.

In the meantime I am once again ready to take a few email support clients only.  If you are interested in working with a shaman, visit my homepage for the contact information of three really good ones that work on me and my family.

Even though this is 2013, many people have written to me as they struggle with deep generational imprints and personal work.  Keep at it, there’s no time like now to dig these unhappy patterns out for good!

sending lots of encouragement,


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