Welcome 2012, Year of the Dragon!

Happy New Year, Everyone!

As most of you are already aware, winter solstice (in the northern hemisphere) 2012 marks the end of a long cycle of ever increasing expansion and transformation in consciousness.  I’m sure most of you in the past few years have experienced your life changing at an uncomfortable pace.  This is the perfect time to work on old patterns that have been holding us back–the opportunity is here for incredible personal work that can change our lives for the better, and that in turn will affect the collective as well.

I also am feeling the need to address my own tendency to resist changes that I know need to be made.  I’ve been working on a collection of essays now for the past 4 years or so that I intended to compile into a book so that more people would have access to my experiences with clients, especially Empaths and those called to the shamanic path.  At first I thought I would be able to both see clients and concentrate on writing.  However, for more than two years now I’ve known deep down that in order to write consistently I needed to let myself be a hermit and step away from one-on-one work.   Two and a half years ago I became very ill, and my allies made it clear I needed to stop working and focus on writing.  I even declared to my colleague, Vanessa Wolf, right before a shamanic training six month later, that this was my intention. 

Well, that was 2009, and it’s 2012!  My goodness, what happened?  I get such a reward from working with clients one-on-one.  Coaching combined with Shamanic work is incredibly powerful and moves people into their own power very quickly.  But, I think I became a bit addicted to working in this way.  My husband pointed out to me that I hadn’t taken significant time off except when I was ill since my son was born.  (He’s five years old)  I didn’t believe him because I had scheduled sabbaticals and thought I had taken them.  But, when I went back and looked through my old appointment books I saw that he was right!  It was a very strange wake up call.

Working directly with clients is very rewarding, but it is draining as well.  By not taking sufficient time off I wasn’t taking care myself.  Plus, on top of this, I think I’m actually a bit apprehensive about declaring myself a writer and arranging my working life around writing.  There’s a wonderful saying in Improv training–Go When Most Afraid!  So, here I am, finally ready to commit and just go.

So, my focus for the next two and a half years will be to write and publish those essays plus mythic fictional stories about the souls journey.  I intend to publish here on my website first and then on amazon soon after.  I welcome questions, suggestions, and comments on what you would like to read about.  I am always surprised by how much knowledge I’ve integrated in the past ten years that is not commonly known to most Empaths.  Your questions help draw that knowledge out.

While I’m away from my practice, for those of you who are drawn to shamanic energywork, please contact Vanessa Wolf or Hilda Porro.  If you are in Germany contact Irina Dittert.  These are amazing shaman.  You will be in good hands with them.  If you are looking for good mentoring and training, visit the Four Winds Society, Kimmapii Spirit Energies, and Sacred Pathways.

May your 2012 be highly transformative and joyous!

much love,


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Psychic Flus and Sandpaintings

Hi Everyone,

I had the opportunity this week to help a friend with the psychic flu.  She came down with cold symptoms at the same time my son did, however, her symptoms continued to spiral into a very bad flu.  She ended up missing several days of work and was fearful that she wouldn’t be able to pay her rent that month because of it.

I suspected that she was suffering from a psychic flu, not just a physical flu.  She had been under tremendous stress with a family member being diagnosed with terminal cancer, which triggered other crazy-making family dynamics.  I suspected that her body was using a relatively innocuous virus as a way of processing some of the stuck emotional energy out of her system.  I suggested we test my theory by having her create a sandpainting out on her balcony and “blowing” all of the yucky stuff into the painting.

Immediately, within a few seconds, her headache went away.  A few hours later her congestion was gone.  The next day her chest cold cleared up.  This was after four days of her symptoms becoming steadily worse.  By the time I saw her on the 6th day she looked and felt completely restored.

So, as we move into another school year and more exposure to cold bugs, don’t forget to use your mythic and energetic plane tools such as sandpaintings, fire ceremony, and salt baths.  Keep up a daily practice to keep your field clear, and use that sandpainting if a big issue comes up so you can process it at the Mythic plane with help from the Mother Earth instead of having to suffer through it physically with a bad flu.

Posted in Boundaries, Emotions, Empathy, Energy Healing, Relationships | Leave a comment

The new website and blog is up!

Hello Everyone,

My new website and blog is now up.  Please visit and let me know what you think of the new look.  All the old pages are still available so if you had an essay bookmarked you should still be able to access it.

If you were signed up for my newsletter or blog, please subscribe to my new blog on my home page to receive it in your email inbox to ensure that you will continue to receive my posts.  I am no longer putting together a newsletter–instead the new blog will be how I reach out to you.

More to follow soon!

much love,


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Change is in the air!

Hi Everyone,

I hope your summer has been filled with fun so far!  It is hard to believe it is already August.  I am happy to announce a few changes that are finally in the works.  In the next month or so my website will have a different look.  You’ll still be able to find any pages you have bookmarked, but my home page and my blog will change.  I’ve had this website for close to eight years now, and I wanted to have it reflect more of the person I have morphed into over that time.

Also, my practice is now full for the rest of the year.  If you wanted to work with a shaman and haven’t already contacted me please contact Greta Holmes, Hilda Porro, or Vanessa Golding.  All three are fantastic shaman that have worked on me and my loved ones.

And finally, on a personal note, I have had many questions from friends and clients who are dealing with so much turmoil this past year on how to stay sane and not give up in despair.  Change does seem to be in the air for everyone, and the transformation process can be very uncomfortable.  It’s important to remember that each of us is on Journey–our Soul’s are here to learn certain lessons and have fun by being creative.  We want to be as self-responsible as we can and take care of our personal sphere–our selves, our loved ones–and try to not focus so much on the group-think despair.  One person at a time, let’s clean up our own mess as much as we can, love our lives as much as we can, and know that in doing that we are changing the group-think around us for the better.  Change is messy, but it can lead to such expansive wonderful new life.  If your life is upside down at the moment, envision what you want it to expand into–more love for yourself, more fun, whatever it is that feeds your soul.  Take one little step toward it, and you are using your creative powers for the good of yourself and ultimately everyone around you.

much love to all of you,


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Shamanic Energywork Chapter now available

Hello Everyone!

I hope you’re enjoying a fun and warm summer.  I have just posted another chapter from my book, The Fulfilled Empath.  This chapter describes shamanic energywork including soul retrieval, mythicwork such as sandpaintings and altars and descriptions of how shamanic work can unravel double binds.  Also included are expanded essays on the Power of Story, healing Abuse and the Internal Bully, and shedding relationships that no longer fit as we step into new aspects of our lives.

Coming up soon will be more essays on the Empath and creativity, and more essays on Relationships.  I am also planning to repost many of the Family System essays as well.  I appreciate your emails and thoughts.  Let me know if there is a particular subject about which you would like to hear more.

much love,


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Summer Client Work

Hello Everyone!

 I hope you’re enjoying the beginning of summer.  Here in Portland it’s a cool and rainy start to June.  I’m very excited because I can feel major changes in the air for me.  As most of you know I’ve been focussing most of my time on creative writing and family life.  However, for the summer months I’ve decided to do more client work.  If you’ve wanted a session and you’ve been a former client, please let me know.  If you’ve wanted to work with me and you are open to a short time commitment of just the next few months, send me an email along with topics you’d like to address, and we’ll go from there.

 much love,


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Drama Triangle Chapter now Available

Hi Everyone!

I hope all is well with you this mid-winter.  My family has just recovered from a bout of the flu.  Luckily, although inconvenienced, we are all well and ready to return back to work.  I just published on my website the 2nd chapter from my book, The Fulfilled Empath.  This chapter deals with the Drama Triangle of Disempowerment and how Empaths can waste their energy and lifeforce playing roles in other people’s Dramas.  If you’ve been a client of mine, you know how leaving the Triangle can free up energy for so many creative endeavors.  Also, I’ve published a copy of the Introduction to the Book.  In March I’m planning to publish a new audio for Empaths as well.   I hope you enjoy!   much love, Elaine

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Empath Telecalls are Once again Available

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!

2010 was a very busy year of personal work and personal fun for me.  I spent the first half of the year revisiting the second half of the medicine wheel with Marv and Shannon of Kimmapii Spirit Energies in Alberta Canada.  After that hard work, I spent the second half of the year celebrating with friends and family while enjoying a return to physical health.  I now feel ready to return to my practice with full focus!

I am taking just a few clients at this time through word of mouth only.  I have also returned to writing and recording audios about my work with Empaths.  I have had several requests for the audios and essays that were available for purchase in 2009.  Those will be once again available on my website, and a few ebooks will follow in the coming weeks, along with new audios and essays for those of you who have been patiently waiting for more.
I have been working steadily on my book on the Fulfilled Empath, but I’ve discovered that this book is complex–so I cannot predict when I’ll put into print as a physical tome.  While I am working on it, I’ll post as much as I can on my website for purchase ahead of time so you can enjoy it now instead of later. My goal is to offer my experience as I can now through the website.

Thank you again for your interest and your support!



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Leading with the Heart

When we are trying to create from the Soul, from the Heart, sometimes we can get tripped up by practicalities.  These practicalities are real; we need enough money, we need support, we need a life that’s not full of stress.  However, sometimes, practicalities can get in the way of tuning into what our Heart really wants.

When we tune into the Heart, we know what we must go for despite practicalities.  One way to think about this is to see that living from the Heart means no guarantee of an outcome.  So many times most of us want a guaranteed outcome of success.  But creative living always requires risk, which means a level of uncertainty.  We know we are in touch with our Heart’s Desire when we must go after it even if we fail.  We are unattached to outcome because the pursuit is the point.  Ironically, we are much more likely to succeed because our dream is powered by the Soul and by the Heart in the form of Courage.  Spirit likes to line up behind such dreams.

The way I like to test myself about whether a practicality is reasonable or not is to directly face the fears involved.  What is the worst that can happen?  Is that OK?  Is that fear reasonable?  Do I have to go for it anyway?  What is interesting is that I have clients that come to me full of practical reasons of why they choose not to pursue some goal or dream, but when we set all of those aside, usually the Heart wins out.

Recently I had a couples client.  The wife wanted to have another child, the husband did not.  Both understood the practicalities involved.  But the wife wanted another child despite it being an insane idea.  She knew there was no logical reason to have another child.  She felt overwhelmed much of the time with her child as it was, not to mention with the challenges of living with her husband who was very different from her.  But she wanted this child.

When I spoke to her husband, he didn’t want another child, mostly because of practicalities.  It didn’t feel responsible to bring another person into the family when their life was so complicated and conflicted as it was.  While both were doing their personal work to address challenges in their marriage, progress was slow and arduous.  How would another child fit?  These are very valid concerns.  But sometimes the valid concerns, while they need to be addressed, should not stop us.  I asked him, twenty years from now, would he regret that he didn’t have this second child, even if his marriage worked out, even if it didn’t work out?

The eye-opener for my client was to see that he would regret not having a second child even if the marriage did NOT work out.  He didn’t need a guarantee of happiness.  Something about having two children to complete his family was speaking to him from his Soul.  The Soul much of the time does not make logical sense.  Setting logic aside for the moment to come into touch with the Heart, he realized which direction he needed to take.

Now this couple can together jump into adding another child to their family.  They still must address the challenges of their marriage and continue to do their personal work.  But life is life.  This is it.  We must do what our Soul wants us to do here, or we are not truly living.  We must check in with the Soul first, then look at logic next.  Practical solutions to problems will then follow.  This is the path of creativity.  Let the Heart lead the way.

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Creativity and Expansion

I was talking to my mentor, Greta Holmes, yesterday about the discomfort I’ve been feeling around changing my practice.  As I’ve looked back on my life, I see that I go through these cycles of expansion as I move into my creativity.  I had been feeling in somewhat of a double bind, because the emotional signals to expand are so uncomfortable: first boredom as what I am currently doing no longer feels like enough, then anxiety at the thought of what it would take to dive into something new or dive into that creative side once again.  Sure enough, one of my coping mechanisms for dealing with these uncomfortable emotions is to eat lots of chocolate.

The trick for me is to realize that this is part of being a creative being.  Expansion will come, and I have to use those emotional signals (and as Empaths we are SO in touch with our emotions) to let me know that what is before me is a decision–sit still or move forward.  The most painful part of this cycle is to not decide.  Once I decide, then the emotions subside, and all that energy that was going into them can go into my creativity.

I find this very exciting as I move away from one-on-one work into more writing, but scary as well.  Here’s to hoping that you will break yourself free from the status quo when boredom and then anxiety hits you.  Remember, it’s all good, it’s a sign that you are evolving!

much love,


Posted in Creativity, Emotions, Life Transition, Manifestation, Removing Obstacles, Weight | Leave a comment