Uncomfortable in a Cluttered Space

One of my former clients recently asked me why she felt so uncomfortable in a cluttered space. Physical clutter is energetically draining. As we open up to our intuitive guidance more and more, we notice how our energy is drained. Once she removed all clutter from the room, and also as many objects as possible, she found herself loving to be in that space.

What are you experiences with spaces, clutter, and the feeling of comfort within rooms? Has your intuitive ability increased the more you put yourself in a cleared space?


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7 Responses to Uncomfortable in a Cluttered Space

  1. Diane says:

    Hi all. I am a Clutter Free Life Coach and one of my best friends, Elaine, asked me to post something here about one of my favorite subjects, clutter!

    Or I guess more accurately you could say that I work with the energetic frequencies of clutter. I believe that we were all meant to have possessions in our homes and inner selves, otherwise there would not be so many beautiful things/ideas in this world.

    Another advantage of possessions are that they can be used to control the amount of chi (universal life force) flowing through our homes/inner selves so we can recycle all of the energy we absorb during our interactions out in the ‘unreal’ world.

    An irrefutable fact is that every thing operates on a life cycle consisting of – creation, growth and death. Everything also vibrates with the frequencies of yin & yang AND I believe everything vibrates with past, present & future frequencies.

    If we take the concept of a life cycle and apply it to our possessions it makes it a lot easier to de-clutter if we can tune into the past, present or future vibrations of any thing or thought. Try it sometime and see how much easier it is to manage any type of clutter in your life – or not!

    Hope this helps.

    Love always,

  2. Jenna says:

    This is so true for me it is amazing. When I work with clients, part of my clearing work as I prepare to meet with them is to clear my space of clutter (even though we meet by phone). I actually find it both physically and psychically distressing to be in cluttered spaces. It doesn’t always stop me from creating it (I am an INFP after all), but it does mean that I start to get mighty uncomfortable if if I let it hang around too long.

    I’ve also noticed that my energy for keeping things straightened out runs in direct correlation with how I’m feeling. When I’m “down” you can really see it my house – it’s messy! And also, cleaning things up is often part of my process of coming back “up.” But when I’m feeling really good and positive in general, it’s pretty easy to keep the house clean.


  3. Ruth says:

    “If we take the concept of a life cycle and apply it to our possessions it makes it a lot easier to de-clutter if we can tune into the past, present or future vibrations of any thing or thought. Try it sometime and see how much easier it is to manage any type of clutter in your life – or not!”

    Diane, can you expound on this at all?
    I can’t believe I found this site and thread – this feels so relevant to me! I got here from Amazon looking for art business books, – I am an artist, but am STUCK. And I mean, STUCK. I can’t work, I can’t do what I want to do, I can’t do ANYTHING and its driving me to depression. Now I can’t sleep at night worrying all the time. My studio is a WRECK – a mess, I hate the way everything is but don’t have the energy to get to the bottom of it all. I plug away a little at a time, get distracted, stop, and then add more on top it seems.

    When I set it up, I had a very distinct feeling on how it should be laid out (I have believed in ‘feng shui’ for 25 yrs, before I had ever heard of it), but due to electrical and other necessary reasons, it is laid out differently, but I still need to find a way to get EXCITED TO WORK again.
    I am so interested in what you ladies are saying – can you tell me anymore so that I can help myself!??


  4. Elaine says:

    Hi Ruth,

    I’m so glad you found my site! I wanted to direct you to Diane’s website. It’s http://www.cultivatelife.com She’s also offering a 30 day clutter free free newsletter that arrives over email that I bet will get you started in a way that you can manage. I’ve found it very helpful myself!

    Also, there are probably some other energy-work things you can do as you declutter. One thing that I found very helpful (but this might not be practical for you) is to remove *everything* from your studio, cleanse the room by sound, or incense, or prayer (There’s great suggestions on how to do this in Karen Kingston’s book, Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui) and then only bring into the room objects that you treasure.

    There’s an another awesome book by Karen Kingston called Clearing Your Clutter with Feng Shui. My husband keeps this book on hand, and I found it very helpful, too.

    I hope that will get you started. I know how it is to be totally drained just looking at a cluttered space. It is depressing! Let me know if you need any other suggestions, and please let me know if these suggestion help!


  5. Ann says:

    How fun to come across this thread! Thanks, Elaine.

    Exploring the effects of clutter on my spirit and life has been part of my life for a few years now. It began when I got divorced about 7 years ago. I read somewhere that holding onto possessions would hold onto the associated energy, so I let go of all kinds of things. I could definitely feel the difference! A lot of new energy, objects and friends made their way into my life.

    Eventually I became a feng shui consultant and have been fascinated by studying the effects of clutter on an environment. It really can put the brakes on the flow of qi in your space.

    For those interested in astrology, another cool connection is to check out the sign of your North Node (Jan Spiller’s Astrology for the Soul is the best book on this that I’ve seen). If your North Node is in Virgo, like mine, then having an ordered environment is essential…and really affects our psychological health! So if I’m stressed, I go straighten up the clutter and start to feel better.

  6. Elaine says:

    Thanks Ann!

    I love the North Node book you mentioned, but I hadn’t realized that Virgo north nodes need uncluttered spaces. Now I must check out what my husband is, because he goes nuts in the least amount of clutter.


  7. Catherine says:

    What a fun thread about one of my favorite subjects! I have Karen Kingston’s book –Clearing your Clutter, and I love it. Reading it always makes me clean something.

    In general, I can make pretty big messes but they cannot stick around for long. I have to have things neat or it bugs me.. The paper trail is what gets to me the most and I don’t want to deal with it so the mail piles up and so do the magazines, then I’ll have an OCD moment and recycle a bunch.

    My main problem is I want to save a lot of stuff.. just in case. What if one day I want it and I don’t have it but I did have it so I have to go find it/buy it again when if I hadn’t thrown it out I wouldn’t have to go looking! UGH.. its so annoying to think like this.

    I am also an artist personality who always has a bunch of unfinished projects going on– dried flowers for that shadow box I’m going to do someday, journals full of different writings, yarn for when I learn to knit, & tons of art materials!

    I also still have lots of projects & portfolios that I did for a degree program I was in for awhile and those are really hard for me to give away. Some of this I think is worth saving, just for me and I also wonder what if.. i ever went back to it, I’d better not throw anything away then I won’t be able to show people what I did!

    Well.. writing all this it seems clear I have an issue with saving things out of fear. Hmmm….. I will noodle on that one for awhile.

    I think I’m also inspired to clean my studio/office really soon and do the space clearing. That sounds like a good beginning.

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