Why are all these old boyfriends showing up now?

Have you ever had the experience of deciding to change your life, and then suddenly all sorts of temptations appear to throw you off track?

In our Attract Your Ideal Mate class we warn our participants about half way in that once they make the commitment to attract an Ideal Mate, many of their previous relationships will make another appearance. This happens with such regularity that we’ve made it a topic of the course. In one such instance a participant was contacted by several old boyfriends within the same week.

What’s going on here? We think what’s happening is that Spirit/God/theDivine (how ever you want to call it) is arranging another opportunity for choice. Some think of it as a test of sincerity to choosing a new way of living (in this case, a new kind of relationship), but I wonder if it’s not also an opportunity to achieve closure with old relationships before moving on to the rewarding next one.

Has this happened to you, either with relationships or with other big life changes?


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2 Responses to Why are all these old boyfriends showing up now?

  1. cyndi says:

    Yes, once I heard from three in one week. I felt as if my past, present, and future had collided. It felt like I had been bombarded. I let go of all of them though. Later., I fell in love. Again, it didn’t last. I wanted it to, and he seemed to, but then he just gave up without warning. Now, I feel spiritually empty. I am working through the loneliness and trying to learn from my mistakes. I don’t know where I am in the moving on process. Or if I am moving on to anything. All I know is that I felt my “special” boyfriend was meant to be… that we had a psychic connection, but he got scared, then I got scared, then we both got angry and now we’re not talking.

  2. Administrator says:

    Hi Cyndi,

    I’m sorry to hear about your recent breakup. It is especially hard when we know that the other is one of our soul mates. Sometimes, though, we are brought together to heal each other by forcing each other to face our fears and dependencies. This might have been what happened in your relationship. While it is essential that you look to your own patterns and places for healing, it’s important to realize that he also has places to heal, too. Sometimes the other is not able or willing to take that risky step into a conscious relationship.

    In my own marriage, when we first started dating, it was very obvious that my husband was projecting all his fears of commitment onto me, and that I had the matching dependency issue. We literally triggered each other’s crap wide open. He ran for the hills once or twice, but by keeping himself conscious of his own stuff, he was able to come back to the relationship and take responsibility for his part of the healing journey.

    Hang in there, Cyndi! If it doesn’t work out with this boyfriend, Spirit will always provide you with another.

    If this turns into a pattern, you may want to look into having a soul retrieval to remove whatever deepset wound is happening to you. I also did that for my husband so we could start dating at all.


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