Meeting Your Spirit Guides

A client asked this question:

Hello everyone,
I am wondering how you met your Spirit Guides or better, how they introduced themselves to you!

I have asked twice during meditation for them to reveal themselves to me and both times a name popped into my head (Oliver, Alexanna). I am wondering how it was made clear to you that they are your guides and that it just wasn’t your imagination!

I am so excited to meet my Guides and yet I wonder if it’s in my head or if they have revealed themselves to me!!!?!


Posted in Guides, Angels, Spirit Helpers, Vibes and Hits | 4 Comments

Life Transition

A request from a classmate:

Elaine and friends,

My name is Ann and we met at Sonia Choquette’s Six Sensory Practitioner workshop in Chicago. I enjoyed connecting with you, Elaine, and Jenna, and am grateful for your efforts in organizing the phone call and encouraging the use of your discussion board. Thanks!

I’m sure that one reason we connected is because you have made the transition that I am smack in the middle of…from one career to another and living more authentically as a six sensory person.

I can feel my core energies getting stronger and stronger and the general vision for what comes next becoming clearer. I hope to learn more from you about how you managed your transitions as I make my way through mine.

For now, I work at a university, coordinating computer training. The more my intuition grows, the harder it gets. The culture of not being real is stifling.

The vision is to be self-employed as a feng shui consultant, combining floral design in my practice. Sonia Choquette recommended this in my reading, and I have been trying this on, with fun synchronicities along the way.

I am listening for guidance about next steps…whether to leave my current locale – strong vibes for that — and how, when….or whether to try to get more going here. Something in me wants to pick up and move to California and simply start a new life as my authentic self, with fresh new energy. And not a lot of money in the bank to do it with! 🙂

Any vibes or support or tales from your paths as I gather my courage and move forward would be appreciated.

Posted in Life Transition, Manifestation, Removing Obstacles, Soul Path/Purpose, Vibes and Hits | 3 Comments

Creativity, Love that Lasts, and the Beginners Mind

In my last Vein of Gold workhop we discussed the importance of approaching our creativity, our relationships, and life in general with a beginners mind. When we become experts on our art, or on our friends and family, or on life, we become bored and boring. In reality, we cannot even know ourselves completely—we are each that much of a mystery. Creativity becomes a way of ongoing self discovery, of awareness in the moment, and of fully engaging the world with freshness. By approaching our relationships in the same way, by acknowledging that we cannot know everything about another, we are able to be fascinated anew. Try beginners mind not just with your creative endeavors but with your partner and see if you fall in love all over again. I would love to hear about your experiences with beginners mind.


Posted in Creativity, Ideal Mate, Relationships | Leave a comment

I embraced my path, and now my life is falling apart!

Did you begin your spiritual path hoping to be more happy, centered, and successful, with more rewarding relationships, work, and abundance? Have you experienced your life falling apart instead?

For me, and for many of my clients this is a common experience. Our dissatisfaction with life begins our spiritual search, and we become happier with the search, and then WHAM right when we get going life falls apart. What’s going on here?

My own thoughts are that when we truly commit to ourselves and expressing that self in the world, we come to a point where we must let everything that doesn’t align with that true self go. Actually, all that doesn’t fit is going anyway—it’s our attachment to the old stuff (even if it was unhelpful old stuff) that hurts.

I’ve gone through several of these clearing experiences over the years, and each time I’ve wound up more happy, centered, successful, with more rewarding relationships, work, and abundance. Now, I’ve learned to welcome the painful chaotic parts of this process, knowing that something better is right on the other side.

Sometimes a kundalini experience accompanies the releasing process.

What are your thoughts? Have you experienced this burning and rebirth process?


Posted in Life Transition, Manifestation, Removing Obstacles, Soul Path/Purpose | Leave a comment

Is it true that if I don’t feel good I can’t create what I want?

In my Heart’s Desire class and Attract Your Ideal Mate class I’ve had many questions around the importance of feeling good and raising energy in order to create what we really want. The typical teaching goes: Happy energy is good, Unhappy energy is bad. Usually clients feel like they are doomed because they don’t feel good much of the time.

In my own life I’ve created wonderful things that I truly desired when I was feeling awful. For a certainty it is much easier to create when we are feeling good. But, if we happen to be feeling bad (angry, sad, doubtful, guilty, exhausted, etc.)that’s just the way it is in that moment, and there is nothing wrong with that.

What’s more important here than trying to feel good so we can be in the right “space” to create what we want is to authentically experience whatever we are feeling in the moment. There is no need to be afraid of an authentic experience! By acknowledging our feelings and feeling them in the moment they will pass. In many instances just the acknowledgement of what we are feeling will help us locate the subconscious belief that could be generating the negative feelings.

It’s important to remember that all feelings are temporary. It’s a relief to know that the bad emotions are temporary as long as we don’t repress them. But, it is also true that the good emotions are temporary, too. I’d suggest letting them all flow by not pushing away the bad ones or trying to hang onto the good ones. By allowing our emotional state to be whatever it happens to be at the moment, we can make sure we are spending our energy taking loving actions from intuitive guidance and focussing on heart’s desires, which is what is at the heart of the conscious creation process.


Posted in Emotions, Manifestation | Leave a comment

Why are all these old boyfriends showing up now?

Have you ever had the experience of deciding to change your life, and then suddenly all sorts of temptations appear to throw you off track?

In our Attract Your Ideal Mate class we warn our participants about half way in that once they make the commitment to attract an Ideal Mate, many of their previous relationships will make another appearance. This happens with such regularity that we’ve made it a topic of the course. In one such instance a participant was contacted by several old boyfriends within the same week.

What’s going on here? We think what’s happening is that Spirit/God/theDivine (how ever you want to call it) is arranging another opportunity for choice. Some think of it as a test of sincerity to choosing a new way of living (in this case, a new kind of relationship), but I wonder if it’s not also an opportunity to achieve closure with old relationships before moving on to the rewarding next one.

Has this happened to you, either with relationships or with other big life changes?


Posted in Ideal Mate, Life Transition, Manifestation, Relationships | 2 Comments

My Growing Intuition has made my friends less attractive

Have you ever had the experience of being with a group of people who all appeared to be enjoying themselves and having a good time, but at the same time you felt tension and unspoken words underneath the surface?

For intuitive people, such experiences can be disorienting and confusing. Intuitive people are usually also highly empathic. They can tell when someone is lying, and they also can feel the shift in mood even if no one else is acknowledging it in words.

Many intuitives when young speak about their experiences and then have them immediately discounted by adults who were very invested in making everything look nice on the surface. If this happened to you, and you believed these adults, it could be a long process to trust your intuitives hits.

When I began fully embracing my intuition as an adult, I found that I could no longer tolerate being close with certain people, but not only that, I no longer *wanted* to be close to them. This can be very hard to explain to others who do not value intuition, or who are so invested in not knowing what’s really going on they live in denial and stay on the surface.

Has this happened to you? Do you have any suggestions on how to handle it?


Posted in Empathy, Relationships, Vibes and Hits | 12 Comments

The Importance of Feeling Feelings

Most people would agree that focusing on the positive will bring a generally happy, more fun experience of life. But what if we are feeling very negative emotions? Most people would name anger, fear, resentment, guilt, hatred, sadness, etc. as intrinsically negative.

In fact, most people don’t want to feel those feelings, or at least want to get rid of them as fast as possible. Usually this turns into denial, or repression, or projection onto others. In some spiritual circles it’s considered unspiritual to have these emotions.

I disagree. In my opinion, we are having a human experience, and part of that experience includes what we would label negative. I’ve always gotten into trouble when I haven’t admitted to myself whatever I am feeling. And for me, the surest way of moving through a feeling is to feel it completely. It’s the only way I can be sure I’m not blocking this feeling somewhere within my body.

Then I can go back and look at whatever beliefs triggered the emotional response in the first place. In this way, any emotional reaction becomes a blessing and potential gift in disguise.

Have you used your negative emotional responses to discover your core beliefs or your true nature?

Posted in Emotions | 2 Comments

Uncomfortable in a Cluttered Space

One of my former clients recently asked me why she felt so uncomfortable in a cluttered space. Physical clutter is energetically draining. As we open up to our intuitive guidance more and more, we notice how our energy is drained. Once she removed all clutter from the room, and also as many objects as possible, she found herself loving to be in that space.

What are you experiences with spaces, clutter, and the feeling of comfort within rooms? Has your intuitive ability increased the more you put yourself in a cleared space?


Posted in Clearing Clutter, Manifestation | 7 Comments

Can an Intuitive Hit feel bad?

One questions I’m asked often in my intuition class is, Can an intuition feel bad? In my personal experience, I’d have to say that Yes, an intuitive hit can definitely feel uncomfortable.

There are of course intuitive hits that feel neutral, calm, and very subtle and quiet. This was my experience as I first began my relationship with my intuition. As I got to know my guidance better, it started to become very loud and clear.

Also, our bodies are designed to take in intuitive guidance. Having hightened senses is necessary to receiving guidance in the first place. It’s completely human to have “negative” and “uncomfortable” sensations—it’s a part of life.

If I have a bad feeling about someone or about one side of a choice, I definitely consider that feeling as guidance (especially when I have no rational reason for the feeling) and I trust that and follow that. I’ve definitely gotten myself into trouble when I’ve ignored it.

I’d love to hear about your experience with good and bad “vibes.”

Posted in Vibes and Hits | 4 Comments